The Implementation of KKNI Based Curriculum Assessment Using Social Media

Muhammad Natsir


Social media has became a new way of  communication, not only for the intention of social purposes but also for educational need. There are many advantages and disadvantages using social media as the instrument to assess the students. The aim of this research is to investigate how useful social media as Facebook, Instagram and Whatapp application in developing students’ competences in writing skill. The principles of KKNI is to assess an individual in some aspects; knowledge, competences, and skills in accordance with the learning achievement obtained through educational process which is shown by certain descriptor levels. For the second semester students of English Department of UNIMED. They have to submit all kinds of assessments from Daily Task Report, Critical Book Report, Journal Review, Mini Research, Idea Engineering and Final Project. All these tasks have their own conditions and difficulties to complete. The implementation of using social media as students’ assessment hasn’t been optimal yet, since it still a new idea in education. The population of this research were the students of 2017/2018 academic year who consist of 80 students from 2 classes, educational and literature program who have already studied basic writing and reading. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) Method by Borg & Gall, with the Linkert Scale Data. Questionnaire used to get students perception on how effective social media as their KKNI based curriculum assessments. The result shown that the factors influencing the implementation of social media as students assessment are not only the design, material, and selected text, but also the lecturers competence, students’ need, and facilities that support the achievement of this purposes. Further, it is expected to do more research on this matter.


Indonesia National Qualification Framework (KKNI) Curriculum; Social Media; Assessment Material.

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