Developing Teaching Materials Based on Social Care Characters Based on Franciscan Spirituality With Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Strategies

Elti L. Gultom, Aman Simaremare, Rosmala Dewi


This study aimed to: (1) produce appropriate teaching materials to shape the social care character of early childhood, (2) produce effective teaching materials to shape the social care character of early childhood. This type of research was research and development (R&D) using the ADDIE development model. The quantitative data analysis technique used in this study was quantitative descriptive. Qualitative data obtained from the questionnaire were then converted to qualitative data on a scale of 5 (Likert scale). The findings showed that: (1) Teaching materials met the requirements and were appropriate to be used as teaching materials, based on the assessment of material experts, design experts, linguists, and practitioners/ teachers. The result of the validation of the material experts in all aspects of the material was 87.8% in the very good criteria, the result of the validation of the learning design expert in all the aspects was 90.4% in the very good criteria, and the validation of the linguists in all aspects was 93% in the very good criteria. The result of the teacher's response to teaching materials with a total average percentage of all aspects was 93.7% with the “very good” criteria. (2) The teaching material developed was more effective than without using the teaching material. The effectiveness of teaching materials based on social care character based on the values of Franciscan spirituality  developed was 80.2%, and based on Siswanto's  theory was 81.36%. The effectiveness before teaching materials was reviewed based on the values of Franciscan spirituality was 40.72%, and based on Siswanto's theory was 41.2%. Therefore, the development of pictorial story teaching materials was good enough to shape the social care character of early childhood.


teaching materials; social care characters; franciscan spirituality values; ctl strategy.

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