Development of Traditional Harmony-Based Teaching Materials Based on HOTS to Improve Student Musicality of Music Education Program at Language and Art Faculty at State University of Medan (UNIMED)

Uyuni Widiastuti, Adina S. Sembiring, Muklis Muklis, Hendy Obed Sembiring, Ewin Johan Sembiring


The results of this study are: (1) The contents of teaching materials, are at an achievement of 88% with a valid category; (2)Constructor, achieving 84% with a valid category; (3) Language, on the achievement of 82.50 with a valid category (4) Display of teaching materials, on the achievement of 88% with a valid category. The results of the assessment of students consisted of: (1) the display of teachingmaterials was at an achievement of 87.87% with the practical category; (2) user convenience isat 85.52 with a practical category; (3) effectiveness in achieving 67.18 with a very practicalcategory; (4) time effectiveness, in the achievement of 84.69 with the practical category, with anaverage value of achievement of 86.31 with the practical category.


Teaching materials; traditional harmony; HOTS; musicality.

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