Interactive Multimedia Development in Exposition Text Learning According to Learning Media Expert in Dwitunggal Junior High School, Tanjung Morawa

Rizki Fadila Nasution


This study is aimed to develop products in the form of interactive learning multimedia in exposition teaching learning. Product development is designed using Adobe Flash CS5 Professional software. The object of this study is VII grade students of Dwitunggal Junior High School in Tanjung Morawa. The steps of developing Adobe Flash CS5 Professional multimedia for learning skills of writing the exposition text of VIII grade students of Junior High School as follows: (1) Decide, (2) Design (product design), (3) Product development, (4) Evaluate (Product test). The analysis needs to be carried out in two stages, there are: (1) literature study and (2) observation in Dwitunggal Junior High School in Tanjung Morawa.  To obtain the validity of the data, it is required validation of the expert media and material. After validation is done by the two media professionals, material, and practical testing were conducted on a limited basis in 35 students of VIII grade Dwitunggal Junior High School in Tanjung Morawa. Based on the results of validations and trials on interactive multimedia products, it can be reported as follows: (1) validation of the material shows the percentage of eligibility is 86, 3% with very good category (2) media validation shows the percentage of eligibility is 86.5% with very good category (4) teachers’ validity (practitioner) shows the percentage of eligibility is 90, 5 % with very good category. The acquisition of individual trial results is stated as "very good" with an average percentage of 83.7%. The acquisition of small group trial results is stated as "very good" with an average percentage of 85.5% and the acquisition of limited field trial results is stated as "very good" with an average percentage of 87.3%. The effectiveness of interactive multimedia products in learning of writing the exposition text seen from student learning outcomes in writing exposition text after using learning media that have been developed are in "very good" category with an average value of 88.17 and the average value before using text learning media exposition of 67.88 which is in the category of "sufficient". This proves that student learning outcomes are higher after using interactive multimedia in learning of writing exposition text with a value difference of 20.29.


Development; interactive multimedia; text exposition.

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