Translation Shifts of Indonesian-English Translation in Informative Text related to Non Fungible Token (NFT) issue

Dian Indriani Sibagariang, Umar Mono, Tasnim Lubis


This study aims to analyze the application of translation shifts in Informative text that highlights Non-Fungible Token (NFT) issue. The theory used is Catford (1965) that stated there are two categories of shift namely level shift and category shift. The realization of descriptive qualitative method is seen on this data since the output is to emphasize the application of shift in each data. For analyzing data, it is used Miles and Huberman interactive mode to simplify the data presented. There have been twelve sentences which consist of several segments to be revealed its translation shifts. After each segment analyzed, it is found that all of translation shifts as proposed by Catford (1965) are applied, they are level shift, structure shift, class shift, unit/rank shift, and intra-system shift. The dominance found in structure shift because it is known that the language system in Indonesian as SL and English as TL is differed. The second position is by unit/rank shift. The data finding shows that there are several segments level up, but there is also changed in lower rank. The next one is in intra-system shift.The finding shows that the category of this shift is related to the tenses, plurality, and gerund after preposition which doesn’t occur in SL but exists in TL that takes part for this category. Meanwhile, the class shift is in the second lower rank because mostly, there is always equivalence of the segments used in the data. The least category is found in level shift where the lexicon is translated to grammar unit in TL.


translation shift; news; NFT issue; antara news

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