Hemangioma of Lower Lip - A Case Report

Muhammad Jailani


Hemangioma is an endothelial tumor that most commonly found in infants and children. Most hemangiomas arise during birth or shortly after birth and proliferate during the first 18 months and then disappear spontaneously at the age of 5-10 years. The most complaints of patients with a hemangioma are the psychosocial problems, which are conditions that can affect the appearance and invite the attention of people around them. Some hemangiomas still require therapy, namely if the size and growth result in severe deformities, or if it interferes with vital functions, such as breathing, vision, hearing and digestion. Therapy depends on the size, location, and clinical stage. In this paper, we report an enormous hemangioma case involving the lower lip in male patients aged 45 years who has acquired wide excision (Cheiloplasty reduction).


hemangioma; lips; tumor; excision

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birex.v2i4.1254

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