Innovation of the Use of Education Games Method Utilizing a Thousand of Nail Media in Fiqh Lesson Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Amaliyah Pematangsiantar District
This research are to determine: (1) the implementation of the innovative educational games method in Islamic Civilization History lessons, (2) the implementation of the media of a thousand nails in Islamic Civilization Studies lessons, and (3) the supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing the innovative use of the educational games method with the media of a thousand nails in the Fiqh lesson. The research method used is qualitative research, data collection is carried out in natural conditions and using data collection methods, namely: interview method, observation method, documentation method. The findings of the research show: (1) the implementation of the educational games innovation method in the Fiqh lesson is running well because it is driven by the creativity of the teacher by paying attention to the characteristics of the students, (2) the innovation of the implementation of learning using the media of a thousand nails is carried out by the teacher starting from planning, implementation to conclusions learning, and (3) the supporting factor for learning is the presence of media, namely the media of a thousand nails, while the inhibiting factor is the limited time.
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