Implementation of Cooperative Script Learning Strategy in Historical Aspects in Islamic Education Students of SMPN 3 Pulau Rakyat Asahan District
The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) how to implement cooperative script learning strategies on historical aspects in Islamic Education subjects, (2) what are the supporting factors in implementing cooperative script learning strategies on historical aspects in Islamic Education subjects, and (3) what are the inhibiting factors in implementing cooperative script learning strategies on historical aspects in the subject of Islamic Education. The research method used is qualitative. Data collection techniques are observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by the stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The data validity was done by using the data validity technique using triangulation, namely: source, method, investigator, and theory. The research findings show: (1) the implementation of the cooperative script learning strategy has been carried out well, it's just that there are several steps in the learning process that have not been maximally implemented, (2) the supporting factors in the implementation of the cooperative script learning strategy are the support of the principal, the class conditions comfortable, complete facilities and infrastructure, enthusiastic attitude of students, and rewards from the teacher, and (3) inhibiting factors for the implementation of cooperative script learning strategies, namely: less time, a large number of students, and the condition of students who are less conducive, lack of concentration and ability different students.
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