Analysis of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in terms of Student Learning Styles with Models Problem Based Learning

Dwi Ardy Dermawan, Pargaulan Siagian, Bornok Sinaga


This study aims to analyze and determine: (1) the level of mathematical problem solving ability in terms of learning styles after implementing problem-based learning; (2) errors and difficultiesexperienced by students in solving math problem solving abilities in terms of learning styles after implementing problem-based learning. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were 32 students of SMA Negeri 1 Rantau Selatan class X MIPA 1, who were then appointed to interview subjects based on the Kolb & Kolb learning style, namely accommodation, divergent, assimilation, and convergent based on the level obtained based on indicators and aspects of difficulty. The research results are as follows: (1) there are 8 students (25%) has a learning style accommodation with the level of mathematical problem solving ability medium category amounted to 3 students, and low category amounted to 5 students; there are 11 students(34.37%) have a divergent learning style with a level of mathematical problem solving ability 1 student in high category, 4 students in medium category, 6 students in low category; exist 9 students (28.13%) have an assimilating learning style with a level of mathematical problem solving ability medium category amounted to 2 students, and low category amounted to 7 people; exist4 students (12.5%) have a convergent learning style with a level of mathematical problem solving ability medium category amounted to 3 students, with the low category amounted to 1 student;(2) for students' difficulties with accommodation learning styles, students have difficulty on principle indicators; for the difficulties of students with divergent learning styles, students have difficulty on indicators of concepts and principles; for the difficulties of students with assimilation learning styles, students have difficulty in the concept indicators and indicators of verbal problems; for the difficulty of students with convergent learning styles, students have difficulty on principle indicators.


mathematics problem solving ability; problem based learning model; Kolb & Kolb learning style

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