The Influence of Parents' Education Level and the Provision of Tutoring on Learning Motivation of SDN Students in Kosiwo District, Yapen Islands Regency

Andi Nurhartina, Marlin Katulung, Desy Putri Sahara


This research is based on that learning motivation is influenced by parental education and tutoring factors. This researchaims to (1) obtain an overview of the level of parental education, the provision of tutoring, and learning motivation (2) The effect of parental education level on students' learning motivation (3) The effect of providing tutoring on students' learning motivation (4) The influence of parents' education level and the provision of guidance Simultaneous learning on the learning motivation of students at SDN Kosiwo District, Yapen Islands Regency. This type of research is Ex Post facto research. The dependent variable in this study is learning motivation and the independent variable is the level of parental education and tutoring. The population in this study were all students of SDN Kosiwo District, Yapen Islands Regency with a sample of 153 fifth grade students taken randomly. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. The results showed that the description of the level of parental education was mostly in the Bachelor's degree, the provision of tutoring was in the high category and learning motivation was in the motivated category. There is a positive and significant effect of parental education level on students' learning motivation at SDN Kosiwo District, Yapen Islands Regency.


parents' education level; tutoring; learning motivation

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