An Investigation of Mystic term on “Conference of the Birds” of Attar on the Basis of Van Doorslaer’s Map

Mr. Saber Noie


Considering the mystic terms as one of the main issues in translation of poems, this research pursues the following objectives: Firstly, it is an attempt to find out what strategies have been used to find equivalents for source text mystic. Second, it is hoped that this study of the translations of the mystic terms in Attar’s poems will further address and explore the problems in translating mystic texts, proposed by other Persian poets and suggest instructional points from Davis work for translation education. In order to deal with such a breadth of work, a new conceptual tool was developed, as explained by Van Doorslaer (2007). This study shows that according to Van Doorslaer’s map, the mystic terms can be transferred to the TL with their exact content of the SL, if the translator has a good choice for any term.


mystic; mysticism; metaphor; strategy; source language (SL); target language (TL)

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