Pride Learning Model in Order to Improve the Physical Fitness of Indonesian Naval Academy Cadets

Suryono Suryono, I Made Sriundy Mahardika, Abdul Rachman Tuasikal


Physical fitness lesson that consists of freestyle swimming material, road and field, physical fitness test are one of the practical subjects, becoming one of the aspects that determine the graduation of cadets in the Indonesian naval academy. In order to improve cadets physical fitness, researchers develop a pride learning model using the following stages; (P) understanding concepts, (R) Reflection, (I) Implementation, (D) Drill, and (E) Evaluation. The purpose of this study is to analyze (1) the product of the pride learning model to improve physical fitness, (2) the effectiveness of the pride learning model to improve freestyle swimming abilities, (3) the effectiveness of the pride learning model to improve physical fitness test abilities, (5 ) the difference in effectiveness of the pride learning model compared to old learning. Research type used is research and development, by developing a product and quantitative compared to the documents of the results of the pre-test and post-test groups that are not treated by the learning model. The design and analysis of this study uses Anova. The data collection process uses a T-test for the 50 meter freestyle swimming test, road and field 3000 meters and physical fitness test during the pre test and post test. The results of the study based on the T-test shows that the calculated value between the pre-test and post-test of the group that is not given treatment and that was given treatment with the pride learning model were, (1) the untreated group 76,89 freestyle, 77, 05 road and field and 162.11 physical fitness tests, (2) groups treated with 80.84 freestyle swimming, 82.74 road and field and 269, 47 physical fitness test. Based on the above analysis, it can be concluded that the pride learning model the results of the development of relevant researchers are used in physical fitness learning because there are more differences in results in the treated group than the untreated group. In addition, it can improve the ability of free style swimming, road and field and physical fitness test seen from the results of the T-test.


pride learning model; physical fitness; free style swimming; road and field; fitness test

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