"Io-Io" Traditional Song of Karo Tribe (Study of Musical Form and Meaning of Song)

Theodora Sinaga


This study wants to examine the musical forms, functions and meanings of traditional song IO - IO in Karo community in North Sumatra. the singing of IO-IO has become a unique and interesting cultural phenomenon to be studied. How does the musical form certainly have differences and have distinctive characteristics, how the function and meaning for the Karo community will be the focus of the study in this study. This study is a qualitative descriptive study with the steps of conducting field observations, interviews, Lab work, and analyzing data. The data analysis technique is carried out by the process of systematically analyzing and compiling data obtained from interviews, field observations, and Lab work, then selecting data and organizing data into categories, breaking down into units, synthesizing, compiling into patterns , choose what is important, and will be studied, and make conclusions so that it is easily understood by yourself and others. From the results of the study and discussion several conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1) IO-IO song has a musical form consisting of 35 bars, and there are four motives in eight phrases, namely four antecedent phrases (questions) and four consequent phrases (answers) and there is one sentence with three accents or repeated three times. 2) The function of IO-IO song in Karo community as a means of traditional ceremonies (rituals), as entertainment and recreation facilities, as a means of self-expression, as a means of communication, as a dance accompaniment, as a driver of economic gain. 3. The meaning of IO-IO song meaning of tradition the meaning of the expression of longing, the meaning of the symbol of loyalty, the meaning of the means of ritual prayer, the meaning of entertainment, the meaning of feeling, the religious meaning of belief in the spirit of the deceased person.


IO-IO traditional song

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birle.v3i1.815

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