Interval and Continuous Training for Resting Pulse and Cardiovascular Enhancement of Students

Rizki Hanif Mahardika, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, Gigih Siantoro


Basketball games are played for 40 minutes divided into 4 quarters, where one quarter is 10 minutes. To play the game of basketball requires having excellent stamina which can be seen from the value of VO Max. There are various types of exercises to improve VO Max, such as interval training and continuous training. The purpose of this study: is to determine the difference in effect between interval training and continuous training on VO Max on basketball players in extracurricular students at Senior high school 2nd Pasuruan City. Research methods: This study used the Pre and Post Test two Groups Design design, with a sample of 12 basketball players as an interval training group, and 12 players as a continuous training group taken using a purposive sample technique. The exercise is done 3 times a week for 8 weeks. Measurement of VO2 Max uses a Multistage fitness test. Data analysis using the comparative test Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test and Mann Whitney test. Results: The difference between pre-test and post-test in the interval training group was 9.94 while in the continuous training group it was 6.02. Based on the test of the effect of interval training on VO Max, the value of p = 0.008 was obtained and the test of the effect of continuous training on VO Max was obtained p value = 0.005. Based on the different test of the effect of interval training and continuous training on VO Max, the value of p = 0.040 is concluded. Conclusion: interval training and continuous training can increase VO Max. interval training increases VO Max more than continuous training in basketball players in extracurricular curricular students at Senior high school. 


Interval training; continuous training; VO₂ Max; basketball players.

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